My correspondence with an insider in the company has 2008 coming to an end with still many answers that need be had, planning that seems never-ending and a shiny new sales centre that will remain empty and unloved until 2009. Don't expect any 2008 opening dates as the timeline has moved to a hopeful "early" 2009 opening. They are in the process of planning not only for the subdivisions but planning the entire community. This we are all aware of thanks to your most favouritest blog this side of the internet. In the meantime, if you haven't already seen them, check out the plans for Mattamy Homes, Coughlan Homes and Lebovic's in our forum. The forum only displays to those with FREE registered accounts.
So from now till next year, I'll be busy watching as my mutual funds deteriorate into Canadian Tire Money and the rest of the economy goes down into the crapper.