Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today is 30 Days!

So we have been in for 30 days now!

Everything is great!  We are very glad to have our stuff back and out of storage, and also very happy to have our own space again (though we are immensely grateful to our family for letting us live with them for the past six months!).

We are just working on our 30 day Tarion list and trying not to miss anything! There are not too many others that have closed and moved in yet, but we expect there will be a bunch more by springtime.

We are having fun exploring the Pickering area, and trying out new places :)  Just last night we checked out Paul Wong's - a Chinese restaurant in the west end of Pickering.  It was very good!

We have also been scouting out gyms in the area, and trying to decide where we want to sign up. So far we have gone to the Pickering Recreation Complex, and we will be heading to Good Life (Next to Loblaws on Liverpool) in the next few days.

We have not experienced any major issues with the construction of the house, and overall we are very impressed. Now to clean-up the house so I can take some pics for my next post! We are also still happy with all of our material picks, which is a good thing because they would be hard to change now!

Pics coming soon!

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