Found this on the Sustainable Pickering: Seaton site, unnamed, unlabeled and just sitting there, probably never viewed by anyone unless you clicked every link on that site (this is what I do on night shifts). So another one of these colour-coded maps. This one is a bit more useful than the last one I posted.
Guess which colour belongs to Mattamy Homes?
Blue you say? Nah that belongs to Lebovic Homes.
Well ...
Click on the image above to find out where Creekside really is...and how close to the creek we're gonna be!
Ok...now that you've seen where the Seaton Creekside site will be the entire map is located HERE and shows the developments all the way to the 407 colour-coded to who owns the land (including more Mattamy and Lebovic sites north of Taunton). It surely looks like Lebovic will be the larger new home builder in the area with more sites but what do I know I'm just counting coloured blocks.
Leave your comments and tell me what you think of the sites!
Interesting map to show how the developers lay out their parcels. I've never had any experience with Lebovic Homes but as a result of my Mattamy experience (no electricity and furnace wired to house next door) I recommend that you hire a house inspector to monitor the construction of your new home - no matter who the builder is. Good luck with your purchase, hope all goes well...
just drove up there today to check it out...i've never been out so far east on steeles/taunton...so does anyone have any clue as to how much these homes in seaton may start at? pickering has become VERY pricey...just wondering if they will be comparable to the houses in stouffville which were not too bad for mattamy's last phase which sold out in about a week!
i love the drive from scarborough to pickering via steeles...such a nice empty road. but yeah i hadn't previously driven that far east till a few months ago to check it out...i'm sure steeles/taunton won't be like that in a couple of years.
i don't think anyone really has a clue on prices at this point...pickering (E13) avg house price is $280k for january... but unless we get some insider i don't think we'll find out till the grand opening...i'm hoping its cheaper than stoufville considering its not a developed area...we may get a break on the 1st phase
I am so glad that I found this great site and can't wait for this community to be built. It is great to know that I am not the only one who is very interested in this new community. I am disappointed though that mattamy has pushed it back to the summer. I have been trying to figure out exactly where mattamy was planning on building and I am glad that I can now see where it will be (Thanks Alan!). Like everyone else I am keeping my fingers crossed that prices will be reasonable considering it is not a developed area. I have always considered pickering as my first choice but it has been out reach. I really hope Mattamy answers all our prayers. Looking forward to more updates from this site as well as Mattamy's.
I spoke with a City of Pickering rep and they said that construction in Seaton will not be for another 3 years. Lots of issues to work out and environmental assessments still to complete and some of the buidling plans proposed by Home Builders are too cookie cutter and is not in line with the city's plan.
wow 3 years...thats a long time for mattamy to sit on people's money...but it seems like they're still going ahead with the summer 2008 sales...might be a breaking point for some considering the site.
wow 3 years...thats a long time for mattamy to sit on people's money...but it seems like they're still going ahead with the summer 2008 sales...might be a breaking point for some considering the site.
I heard about that too...2011 or 2012..I was not happy reading about it in an article
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