EXTRA! EXTRA! So the big news last week was that Clay Aiken suprisingly came out of closet and so did Lindsay Lohan (ok neither were much of a surprise to anyone who has a pulse) but this week your favourite blog MiSC (Moving into Seaton Creekside), has the scoop of the week for you. Seaton Creekside has "come out of the closet" per se. Above is what u think it is...Yup thats it!! You're right!! You Got it!

The residential plans for Duffin's Heights have confirmed that URFE creek, part of Duffin's Creek is where our kids and their kids will be swimming and fishing and flying kites with the family! To see the residential plans for the developments from Lebovic Homes, the Ontario Realty Corporation, Coughlan Homes and of course our dear, dear Mattamy Homes please visit our very own Moving into Seaton Creekside Forums.

You can view the site plans here first!!
But the goodies will be forum members only. So please take a minute and sign up for the forums. They're FREE and a great way for everyone to share information!!
Is that Creekside Forums link in this post correct?
Thanks for the heads up...its corrected now!
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