So the Airport drama is back for the 09 edition. Rightfully so, the city of Pickering has re-stated its position regarding the airport. Their position, a unanimous NO***! Okay so its not a cut-and-dry, flat-out no but seeing as how long it's taken to build a few houses, this is going to take another 30 years. The article reports,
"Rumours are swirling that Minister of Finance and Whitby-Oshawa MP Jim Flaherty will approve the proposed Pickering airport in next week's fiscal stimulus package. In 1972, the federal government expropriated 18,600 acres of farmland for the possibility of an airport in north Pickering. But a shovel hasn't yet touched the ground. An environmental assessment is scheduled to be complete this year."Seaton (those hoping to live in the later phases located North of Taunton Rd) and many Northwest Markham residents, , will definitely have the airport on their minds as they worry about noise, pollution, and plane crashes if the government finally puts the shovel to the dirt after hemming and hawing since '78.
"It's time the federal government made a decision one way or another on the airport," he said, adding the size of the pipes slated for the Seaton community will be dependant on whether or not there's going to be an airport. As well, potential Seaton residents have a right to know if they'll be living next to an airport.Almost immediately after the announcement, Mattamy Homes has announced** that homes built in close proximity to the airport will be sold with sound deadening foundations, fencing, insulation and an optional retractable dome capsules will maintain a pollution-free environment available through the design centre. Pricing has yet to be announced on the "Home-Domes" but is expected to run $100-200k!
***"the Federal Minister of Finance and the Regional Chair of Durham Region do not advocate for federal infrastructure funding for an airport in Pickering until such time as a viable and accepted business case can be presented."
**Mattamy Homes only announced this in my dreams. Please do not email them about this.
Mattamy has released an artists rendition of the proposed "Home-Domes" which they state "preserves the beauty of its trademarked WideLot Homes." Townhouse owner unfortunately will not have the dome feature available to them. Hear-muff sales will definitely see a spike in sales in the coming years.*

Discuss the airport in Seaton and read the full article in the MiSC Forums!
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