Hey! Long time no see!!
On July 6th, 2009 at 7:30pm somewhere in the confines of Pickering City Hall, Mattamy Homes will present a 200-something page draft plan for its Seaton Creekside site in hopes that the city will finally pass the by-laws required to start selling and digging. The above picture was made by myself to illustrate the "Revised" site plan in relation to a map of of the area. I know the scale and proportions might be off, but you get the idea. The golf course is under there and the southern border is the Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
So what's in the package? Well let's just say that Mattamy has taken into account all of the amendments that were made to the proposals and such (like Environmental service plans, sustainability, watershed, blah blah blah...I've seriously lost count of all the documents that I've found and shared over the past 2 years.)
Anyways, there are some surprising changes that many may not too pleased to hear about the plans for Creekside. I will go into more detail in the forum, over the next few days because its late and I have work in the morning, and oh yeah....its a 200 page document!!!
So get set because the opening may soon be upon us (or maybe its just another tease?!)
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