Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Bloggee & Site Update

I'm Christine827 and I'll be joining Alan in contributing to the Moving into Mattamy Seaton Creekside blog.

Me and my husband Taj, are current Mattamy owners in the Stouffville "Wheler's on Main" development. This (Seaton) will be our second home with Mattamy, and we are excited to be going through the new home experience all over again!  From spending hours upon hours signing our lives away at purchase time to putting the key in the front door, I'll try to share as much as I can :)

First off, welcome and congratulations to all of you that have bought a home in the new development! The first closings are scheduled for October 2011, so we should start seeing some real construction progress this spring/summer.

For those closing in the fall and early winter of 2011/2012, you should be hearing from your design consultant anytime now to set-up your options appointments. If you're a keener like me, you'll have been the design center many times already :) There's still time to get in now and make some choices before your appointment, this will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Mattamy has introduced some new standard items for the Seaton development, that should make everyone very happy. These include:
  • Kitchen faucet with pull out spray
  • Larger rain shower style shower head in master
  • Chrome towel bars and toilet paper holders

Stay tuned for more updates!


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